Due to forest variability impacts on human everyday life, the team of Forest Ecology Department is faced with multitasking. The international cooperation is essential for winning major and financially complex research projects. Their results are crucial for science and serve as a basis for forest management as well as policy at the Slovenian and European Union level.
We investigate the conditions, processes and inter-relationships in forest ecosystems and landscapes. In the comprehensive research tasks we treat factors affecting the growth and development of the forest stands, which forms the technical basis for forest management, sylviculture, game management and spatial planning.

Fields of work
- Carbon and water cycle in forest ecosystems
- Forest communities and forest soil as a carbon sink
- Dynamic modelling of critical inputs into forest ecosystems, and their spatial presentation
- Climatology
- Laboratory analysis of soil, plant material and assessment of impacts on forest ecosystems
- Forest hydrology
- Phenology
- Pedology
- Nutrition of forest trees
- Research on wildlife, with emhasis on the most important game species
- Phytosociology, plant ecology
- Cycle of matter in forest ecosystems, forest soil and nutrition of forest trees
- Designing, constructing and adapting of various measuring devices that are needed in the research activities of the Slovenian Forestry
- Forest monitoring plots (EU ICP Forests program Level 1 & Level 2)
- Study of natural heritage with emphasis on forest areas
- Urban forestry
Possible collaborations
- Research of ecosystem ecology, vegetation and forest biodiversity
- Research and analysis of forest soils, waters and air
- The effects of climate changes to forest ecosystems, eg. mountain beech forests
- Analysis of the impact of past land use change and forest development on hunting and endangered species, biodiversity and adapted forest and hunting management
- Innovative solutions and products for measuring in forest ecosystems
- Development, setup and running of an environmental monitoring of forest ecosystems
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