On Thursday 25 September a workshop titled "Determining the Measures for Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources" was held by the Slovenian Forestry Institute (SFI) in collaboration with the Slovenia Forest Service (SFS) as part of the project CRP V3-1140, titled: “The Provision of Forest Reproductive Material for Forest Regeneration after Major Natural Disasters”. An overview of the project results was presented at the workshop, and guidelines and measures for the conservation of forest genetic resources were revised with the participation of heads of Sections for Cultivation and Conservation of Forests. Also presented were activities in the framework of the new projects CRP V4-1438 “The Provision of Forest Reproductive Material for Forest Regeneration after Major Natural Disasters” and the LIFE+ LIFEGENMON "LIFE for European Forest Genetic Monitoring System". Strong interest was expressed in setting up genetic monitoring plots for European beech and silver fir in regional units of the Slovenian Forest Service. Our plan is to make these monitoring plots external research sites operated jointly by SFS and SFI.
Workshop: "Determining the Measures for Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources"
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