The Slovenian Forestry Institute has hosted the pupils from the 5th grade at Šmartno primary school in order to promote, educate and raise awareness on the topics related to forestry, forest ecosystems and natural processes. The pupils have visited us on the 3rd of April 2015.
They have learned about the basics of natural processes in small groups with the help of practical demonstrations and professional equipment. The following topics have been emphasised: photosynthesis and respiration of plants, gases in the atmosphere and the food web in forests. For better understanding of subjects, presented at the workshop, the pupils have also visited SFI's Laboratory of Forest Ecology and the Laboratory of Ecology of Forest Fauna.
The workshop has been organised within the framework of the projects LIFE Manfor C.BD and LIFEGENMON.
Written by: Iztok Sinjur, Boris Rantaša, dr. Urša Vilhar

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