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Wildfire CE - Enabling cross-boundary assessment, communication and management of wildfire risks in Central Europe
List of projects

Wildfire CE - Enabling cross-boundary assessment, communication and management of wildfire risks in Central Europe

Wildfire CE - Enabling cross-boundary assessment, communication and management of wildfire risks in Central Europe
Project website
Project leader
Department of Forest engineering and economics
Saxon State Ministry for Regional Development (lead partner, DE), Slovenian Forestry Institute (SI), Municipality of Ajdovščina (SI), University of Padova (IT), Technische Universität Dresden (DE), University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (AT), Czech Environmental Information Agency (CZ), Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CZ), Autonomous Province of Trento (IT)

Akronym: Wildfire CE

Project number: CE0200934

Project duration: 1.6.2024 - 31.5.2027

Budget: overall 2,25 million €, for the Slovenian Forestry Institute 211.680 €

Cofinancing: 80 % European Commission: European Regional Development Fund, Interreg Central Europe Programme

Partnership: 9 partners, from 5 states

Lead partner: Saxon State Ministry for Regional Development

Project overall objective

To enable border regions, the communities and landscapes within them, to prepare, respond & adapt to the increasing wildfire risk resulting from climate change. It will broaden cross-border & crosssector implementation of risk management through raising awareness with policy-makers, land managers, communities, infrastructure providers and emergency responders. Through improved and harmonised forecasting and fire risk mapping across borders it will reduce the exposure to wildfire risk. 

Project work plan

WP1: Identifying Wildfire Risk in Central European Border Areas

WP2: Testing Cross-Border Wildfire Risk Management Portal in Pilot Sites

WP3: Implementation of Cross-Border Fire Risk Management in Pilot Regions and Transfer to Other Regions


fighting a forest fire by helicopter











Project poster