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RE-ENFORCE - Transnational Cooperation on nature-based solutions for restoring degraded forests of Central Europe
List of projects

RE-ENFORCE - Transnational Cooperation on nature-based solutions for restoring degraded forests of Central Europe

RE-ENFORCE - Transnational Cooperation on nature-based solutions for restoring degraded forests of Central Europe
Project website
Department of Forest Physiology and Genetics
Austrian Research Centre for Forests BFW (lead partner, AT), Slovenian Forestry Institute (SI), Croatian Forest Research Institute (HR), Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZ), Landesforst MecklenburgVorpommern (DE), Duna-Dráva National Park Directorate (HU), Fertő-Hanság National Park Directorate (HU), Forest Research Institute (PL), University of Padova (IT)


Project number: CE0200902

Project duration: 1.6.2024 - 31.5.2027

Budget: overall 2,60 million €, for the Slovenian Forestry Institute 294.225 €

Cofinancing: 80 % European Commission: European Regional Development Fund, Interreg Central Europe Programme

Partnership: 9 partners, from 8 states

Lead partner: Austrian Research Centre for Forests BFW

Project overall objective

The main objective is to facilitate the restoration of degraded forest ecosystems through naturebased solutions (NBS). The project aims to strengthen transnational cooperation to develop nature based forest restoration strategy, test NBS in Pilot Actions and integrate NBS into a web-based Decision Support System. The project outputs will help forest conservation managers, policymakers, and resource planners to allocate resources better and implement NBS for restoring degraded forest habitats. 

Project work plan

WP1 Identifying challenges, learning from past and harmonizing data and knowledge

WP2 Understanding forest degradation and testing transnational restoration strategy in Pilot actions

 WP3 Transnational nature based solutions for restoring degraded forests of Central Europe


Project poster (click on the image)