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List of projects


Project website
Project leader
Department for Forest and Landscape Planning and Monitoring

Project ID card

Project acronym:LIFE IP CARE4CLIMATE

Project reference:LIFE17 IPC/SI/000007

Project title (ENG):Boosting greenhouse gas emissions reduction by 2020 with a view to 2030 – promoting sustainable transport, energy efficiency, renewable energies and sustainable, climate protecting land use in the transition to low carbon society.

Project title (SL):Spodbujanje zmanjšanja emisij TGP do leta 2020 s pogledom na 2030 – promocija trajnostne mobilnosti, učinkovite rabe energije, obnovljivih virov energije in v blaženje podnebnih sprememb usmerjene rabe tal z namenom prehoda v nizkoogljično družbo.

Project duration:1 January 2019 – 31 December 2026

Total budget:EUR 27,272,129

Contribution from the European Commission: EUR 7 million

Project partners

The Slovenian Forestry Institute (SFI) is responsible for the activities relating to the land use, land-use change, and forestry (LULUCF) sector, establishing the methodology for monitoring carbon stock at the national level for all land uses, the implementation of pilot projects, building professional and governance capacities and awareness-raising.

Land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF)



General project objectives:

  • supporting the implementation of the Operational Programme for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions (OP GHG) and the National efficiency energy action plan for the 2008–2016 period, which are the key documents for the attainment of objectives laid down in Decision 406/2009/EC;
  • reducing gaps in the implementation of OP GHG 2020, which will allow a faster and more cost-effective reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030;
  • increasing personnel capacities and competences, which will enable high-quality drafting and the implementation of measures and thus GHG emissions reduction by 2030;
  • training personnel for a faster transition to a low-carbon society (LCS);
  • ensuring emissions reduction in a way that contributes to achieving other climate, environmental and sectoral targets, e.g. the adaptation to climate change, reduction of emissions from air pollutants, ensuring the security of energy supplies, etc.;
  • enabling mobilisation and use of other, complementary funding sources;
  • increasing cost efficiency in the implementation of measures, achieving substantial additional benefits and faster implementation of measures.

Operational objectives:

  • preparing financial and non-financial instruments for bridging the key gaps in the implementation of the OP GHG in the transport and building sectors, local energy supply and industry;
  • strengthening the personnel capacities of competent ministries and upgrading key OP GHG instruments;
  • implementing demonstration projects and testing key OP GHG instruments that were developed within the project;
  • informing the public and raising awareness about climate change;
  • upgrading the monitoring system of the OP GHG implementation, especially in the following segments: establishing monitoring of CO2 sinks, establishing the systematic monitoring of effects achieved though information activities, awareness-raising and training courses, and establishing monitoring of the effects of green public procurement;
  • an in-depth situation analyses of individual sectors;
  • further developing organisational measures for the implementation of OP GHG, including enhancing the participation of stakeholders in the preparation of instruments;
  • supporting municipalities and regions in the field of sustainable mobility.

Objectives related to complementary activities:

  • applying instruments developed within the OP GHG that allow mobilisation of funds from complementary OP GHG funding sources.