na glavno vsebino
Eva Groznik

Department of Forest Protection

Eva Groznik

FIELD OF WORKYoung Researcher/PhD Student

Curriculum vitae


From October 2023

University of Ljubljana, Biosciences interdisciplinary doctoral study program, Managing Forest Ecosystems


2015 – 2019 University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Forestry, Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.Sc.)

Graduation thesis: Monitoring of sawyer beetles (Monochamus spp., Cerambycidae), vectors of pine wood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus) in Litija forest regional unit


2019 – 2022 University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Forestry and forest ecosystem management, Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Master's thesis: Monitoring of the two-spotted oak buprestid (Agrilus biguttatus) and comparison of sticky prismatic traps with multi-funnel traps in monitoring of the genus Agrilus in Ljubljana regional unit