na glavno vsebino
doc. dr. Primož Simončič

Department of Forest Ecology

doc. dr. Primož Simončič

Curriculum vitae

  • Slovenian Forestry Institute director since 2013
  • National Coordinator of EU projects ("Recognition", "SUSTMAN2 EU FP5, MONARPOP (Interreg III b), BioSoil (module Soil) (EU programme Forest Focus; 2003-2006/08), CarbonPro (CADSES), FutMon Life+ (2009-2011);
  • National Coordinator and Scientific Board member in ManFor CB.D. Life+ (2010-2015);
  • National Coordinator and Scientific Board member in Emonfur Life+ (2011-2014)
  • National Coordinator Regiopower (WoodWisdom, 2012-2014);
  • Cooperating in Euforino project
  • Coordiator of National research projects (scientific and applied science)
  • Coordiator of Public Environmental Service (JOS; 2012)
  • National coordiantor of »Intensive forest Monitoring« / »Intensive Monitoring of Forest Ecosystems« at Slovenian Forestry Institute
  • COST Action FP0803 "Belowground carbon turnover in European forests" - sustitue MC
  • COST Action FP0903 "Climate Change and Forest Mitigation and Adaptation in a Polluted Environment"
  • Co-initiator, co-funder and president (in the first mandate) of Slovenian Pedological Society (SPD; 2004-2009)
  • Member of Austrian Soil Society
  • Member of Editorial Board of "Gozdarski Vestnik"
  • SFI Scientific Board president(1999-2006)
  • SFI Scientific Board member since 2006
  • SFI Scientific Board vice president since 2011
  • Member of Scientific Council for Biotechinology at Slovenian Research Agency
  • Member of European Land-use Institute (ELI).
  • Member of EU Expert Group LULUCF at WP IEI EU/ UNFCCC (December 2006 to July 2008);
  • EU Coordinator of Expert Group LULUCF and Member of "Slovenian Precidency in EU on Climate Change" (1.1. to 30.6.2008)
  • Member of »Working Group I “Annual inventories” as a part of ad-hoc Exper Group »LULUCF accounting«
  • Member of Working Group for the development of "Rules on the protection of forests" (2009)
  • Member of Working Group on Climate Change at Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry and Food (2009)
  • Member of ICP Forest Exper Group in "Expert Panel on Foliage and Litterfall in Expert Panel on Soil and Soil Solution" and "Expert Panel on Deposition in skupini Expert Panel on Meteorology, Phenology and LAI"