Curriculum vitae
Education and professional qualifications:
◌ 2002 – BCa - University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department for Forestry and renewable forest resources (Title: Development of initial phase after wind throw in virgin forest Ravna gora. Menthor: prof. Jurij Diaci)
◌ 2006 – MSc - University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department for Forestry and renewable forest resources. (Title: Ecological, floristic, and structural differences between managed and unmanaged forest stands of the association Bazzanio trilobatae-Abietetum albae Wraber (1953) 1958. Menthor: prof. Jurij Diaci)
◌ 2012 – PhD - Biosciences - University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty (Title: Geographical and ecological classification of beech forests in the Balkans and niche widths of plant species in beech forests from the Mediterranean area to the North sea. Menthor: doc. dr. Andraž Čarni)
Employment history:
◌ 2000 – 2012 - Assistant at the Institute of Biology (Scientific Research Centre of Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Ljubljana)
◌ 2009 - Lecturer at the Higher Vocational College for Forestry and Hunting in Postojna
◌ 2013 -2013 - Researcher at the Centre for Cartography of Fauna and Flora in Ljubljana
◌ 2013 - Assistant with PhD at the Slovenian Forestry Institute in Ljubljana
Specialist areas: forest ecology, pedology, vegetation ecology, geobotany, phytocenology, forest soil protection