Department of Forest Ecology
Ajša Alagić
FUNCTIONS Research assistant
Curriculum vitae
2009 - 2012 University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Biology; Bachelor's in Biology
2012 - 2017: University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Biology; Master's in Ecology and biodiversity
Master's thesis title: Effect of biotic and abiotic factors on the asymmetry of physical characteristics in lacertids. Mentor doc. dr. Miha Krofel, co-mentor dr. Anamarija Žagar.
International cooperation
2013 - 2014 MSc Management and Conservation of Natural Resources, Instituto superior de Agronomia, University of Lisbon. Erasmus + exchange during Master's
2014 - 2015 CIBIO InBIO, University of Porto, Vairão. Two months of Erasmus + internship in asymmetries in lizards
2017 Wildlife Urban Evolution and Ecology Lab, CeNT, Warsaw. Three months work as a field assistant as part of a long-term study of the great tit Parus major and blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus in the urbanization gradient
2021 Became Slovenian representative in FCN SubGroup for Forest Pedagogics
Conferences, lectures
2018 Lecture "Influence of biotic and abiotic factors on the asymmetry of physical characteristics in common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis) and Horvath’s rock lizard (Iberolacerta horvathi)" at the 13th Croatian Biological Congress
2019 Lecture "Changing habitats and the emergence of non-hunting areas: an overlooked source of conflict events with wildlife" at the 11th Slovenian Hunting Days
2019 Poster presentation "Conflicts between people and wildlife in non-hunting areas: a case study from Slovenia" at the 34th IUGB Conference in Lithuania
2021 Lecture "Game in settlements in Europe: an overview of the situation, problems and measures" at the 12th Slovenian Hunting Days
2021 Lecture at the final CRP workshop Causes and effects of windbreaks (December 2017) on the further development of fir-beech stands in Slovenia
2022 Participation and performance of the workshop "Are aliens also in our forests" at the 16th European Congress of Forest Educators in Switzerland, named "How to learn in and with nature in times of climate change?"
2023 Organization and implementation of an Open day for schools and kindergartens at the Forestry Institute during the annual Slovenian Forest Week
- Dinaricum, Society for conservation, research and sustainable development of the Dinaric ecosystems (secretary and MB member)
- Editorial board of Trdoživ, Bulletin of Slovenian field biologists and nature lovers
- DOPPS, Society for observation and study of Slovenian birds
- Societas Herpetologica Slovenica, Society for studying amphibians and reptiles
Additional training, education
2017 Training for a voluntary nature conservation officer; acquired license
2018 Training »Mindset of youth workers; learning as a priority« for youth workers in the Netherlands
2021 The LIFEGENMON and EVOLTREE summer school on »Scientific writing, reviewing and publishing and forest genetic monitoring knowledge transfer into practice«
2022 Became technical editor for Acta Silvae et Ligni
2022 Obtained a license as a phytosanitary inspector
2023 Became the leader of the Forest of Experiments team
Since 2019 employed as research assistant at the Slovenian Forestry Institute.