na glavno vsebino
dr. Jernej Jevšenak

Department for Forest and Landscape Planning and Monitoring

dr. Jernej Jevšenak

Curriculum vitae


  • 2014 - 2019, PhD in Bioscience, Managing Forest Ecosystems, University of Ljubljana
  • 2011 - 2014, Second-degree Bologna study of Forestry and Management of Forest Ecosystems, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana
  • 2007 - 2011, first-degree Bologna study of Forestry and Renewable Forest resources, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana


Work at foreign institutions:

  • Alexander von Humboldt's postdoctoral project at the Technical University of Munich (June 2022 – May 2024). Development of models for predicting thickness growth based on remote sensing data.
  • 2020, October 4 – 17, research work at the University of the Azores, Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, in the scope of Short Scientific Visit (SSV), financed by European Forestry Institute
  • 2019, September 30 – October 14, guest researcher at the Siberian Federal University (Russia) within the framework of bilateral cooperation between the Republic of Slovenia and the Russian Federation
  • 2015, October 1 – March 30, 2016, ERASMUS Mundus Join EU-SEE program, University of Novi Sad, Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment
  • 2013, March 1 – April 30, ERASMUS practical training, Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg (Germany)
  • 2011, February 1 – August 31, EVS (European Voluntary Service), Naturzentrum Haus Ternell (Belgium)
  • 2010, June 1 – June 30, Internship at the Freudenstadt Forest Administration, Germany



  • 37 original scientific articles, indexed by SCI (first author 21, lead author 2)
  • 3 professional or general articles published in domestic journals
  • Reviewer of the international journals Dendrochronologia, Forests, Forest Ecology and Management, Science of the Total Environment
  • Reviewer at home journals: Wood, Slovenian professional journal for forestry, Acta Silvae et Ligni


Organization of Scientific events and other Scientific activity:


  • Organization and implementation of a 3-day workshop titled "New Approaches in Tree-Ring Research," Freising, October 4-6, 2023.
  • Organization and implementation of a workshop entitled Use of machine learning and daily data in dendroclimatology, TRACE conferences 2019, 2021 and 2022
  • Co-convener of Interdisciplinary Tree-ring Session at the EGU (European Geosciences Union) 2021- 2024

Awards, grants and scholarships:

  • World Scientific Federation Scholarship for the year 2021
  • Jesenkova Award from Biotechnical Faculty, which acknowledged my PhD as the best in 2019 from all scientific disciplines at the Biotechnical Faculty
  • 2019 received the award for Best PhD Thesis in Tree-ring research by the Association for Tree-Ring Research (ATR)
  • 2017 Slovenian Research Agency Award for Scientific Excellent
  • 2014 received the Prešeren Award of the Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana for the master's thesis
  • Faculty of Biotechnical Award for best average grade in the for the academic years 2009/10 and 2011/12
  • Zois Scholarship (2008/09, 2009/10 and 2010/11 academic years)
  • Pahernik Scholarship (academic years 2011/12, 2013/14, 2014/15)
  • Scholarship of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SAZU) for doctoral study of mathematics and natural sciences (academic year 2015/16)
  • Selected to co-finance a PhD program under the Generation 2016 Call (Ministry of Education, Science and Sport)


Additional education:

  • International Summer School OpenGeoHub, 17-21/8/2020, Wageningen, Netherlands
  • Participation in the International Summer DataFairNess, 17-21/8/2020, Lecce, Italy
  • Attendance at the Bayesian Modeling International Summer School, 24-29/9/2017, Lygra, Norway
  • Participation in the International Summer School Advanced statistics and data mining summer school, 28/6/ - 03/07/2015, Faculty of Engineering Madrid, School of Computer Science, Madrid, Spain
  • Participation in the International Summer School of Modeling in R and Modeling Soil Processes, 6-10/7/2015, Pokljuka, Slovenia (BioLink COST Action FP1305)
  • Participation in the International Summer School Tree Rings, Climate, Natural Resources and Human Interaction, 5-19/8/2013, Abakan, Russia


Participation in international conferences:

  • Lecture at the 39th Forest Study Days, September 28, 2023: Development and application of the MLFS forest simulator for analysing future states of forests in Slovenia
  • Lecture at the 36th Forest Study Days, November 26, 2020: Water as a limiting growth factor along the precipitation and altitudinal gradient of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) in Slovenia
  • Poster presentation TRACE Conference 2019, Caserta, Italy
  • 29th European Dendroecological Fieldweek, 9–16/9/2018, Lonjsko polje, Croatia
  • Oral presentation WorldDendro 2018, Thimphu, Buthan
  • Oral presentation TRACE Conference 2018, Greifswald, Germany


Key Publications:

  • Jevšenak, J., et al., 2024. Incorporating high-resolution climate, remote sensing and topographic data to map annual forest growth in central and eastern Europe, Science of The Total Environment, 913, 169692
  • Jevšenak, J., Buras, A., Babst, F., 2024. Shifting potential for high-resolution climate reconstructions under global warming, Quaternary Science Reviews 325, 108486.
  • Jevšenak, J., Levanič*, T., 2018. dendroTools: R package for studying linear and nonlinear responses between tree-rings and daily environmental data, Dendrochronologia 48, 32−39.
  • Jevšenak*, J. 2019. Daily climate data reveal stronger climate-growth relationships for an extended European tree-ring network. Quaternary Science Reviews 221, e105868.
  • Jevšenak, J., Skudnik*, M. 2020. A random forest model for basal area increment predictions from national forest inventory data. Forest Ecology and Management, accepted manuscript.
  • Jevšenak, J., Džeroski, S., Zavadlav, S., Levanič*, T., 2018. A machine learning approach to analyzing the relationship between temperatures and multi-proxy tree-ring records, Tree-Ring Res. 74, 210-224.
  • Jevšenak, J., Levanič*, T., 2016. Should artificial neural networks replace linear models in tree ring based climate reconstructions? Dendrochronologia 40, 102−109.